Generating Trial Licenses

In this section, we explain the various options available for generating a trial license. Whatever method you choose, the following notes are applicable:

>To generate a trial license, at least one of the two parameters (days or hours) must be specified. If both the parameters are specified, the license will expire when either of these is reached.

>The trial licenses can be generated for both standalone and network environments, with additional properties, such as license locking, lifetime, and holdtime. Network trial licenses cannot be defined as commuter, redundant, grace, capacity, or repository.

Generating Trial Licenses Using Sentinel EMS

You can use the following Sentinel EMS license models for setting the trial license-specific values—trial days and trial hours:

>Trial Network

>Trial Network Node Locked

>Trial Standalone

>Trial Standalone Node Locked

Generating Trial Licenses Using WlscGen

The following screenshot shows the basic options for generating a trial license using WlscGen. For complete details, refer to the WlscGen Help:

Figure 1: WlscGen Trial License Options

NOTE   Multi-feature trial licenses only allow specifying trial days and not trial hours. Also, all the features defined by multi-feature licenses share the trial start date, starting from the first usage of any feature. This is regardless of whether any particular feature is not used at all.

Only two pre-defined licenses, the 1 to 1461-Day Standalone and Network Demos, allow generating multi-feature trial licenses.

Generating Trial Licenses Using lscgen

The command-line license generator lscgen provides the -W option to set the trial days and hours in the following format:

-W [trial_days]:[trial_elapsed_hours]

For example,



-W 40:500

>Trial days set = 40

>Trial hours set = 500

-W 0:1000

>Trial days set = 0, which means that no trial days are specified.

>Trial hours set = 1000

-W 100:0

>Trial days set = 100

>Trial hours set = 0

License Code Generator API Functions for a Trial License

Function Name




Checks for the trial license feature in the current license generation library, whether it can be supported or not.


The license generator library


Sets the number of trial days.


Checks for the trial hours feature in the current license generation library, whether it can be supported or not.


Sets the number of trial hours.